ICMR Warning: Know the Potential Health Risks of Protein Supplements

In recent years, we have witnessed a common fitness trend among youngsters—the use of protein supplements. These supplements are mostly used by fitness enthusiasts and young adults with goals of muscle growth. They primarily come in powder form, containing whey, dairy milk products, egg whites, and more.

However, it's important to remember that some protein powders may contain non-caloric sweeteners, artificial sugars, and flavours that could potentially have adverse health effects. All these additives reduce the health benefits of protein powders. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), in the 148 page of guidelines, has issued warnings regarding the consumption of protein powders and their potential health risks. Let's understand them one by one.

ICMR Dietary Guidelines on Protein Powder

Whey protein is a popular choice for bodybuilders, often known for its high concentration of Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs). While BCAAs like leucine, isoleucine, and valine are crucial for muscle building and repair, recent research suggests a potential downside to excessive BCAA intake through supplements.

But the thing is, while BCAA supplements promise faster muscle growth, better workouts, and reduced fatigue, a recent study indicates they might come with a hidden disadvantage. Excessive BCAA intake could lead to insulin resistance, blocking your body's ability to regulate blood sugar. Additionally, it could ruin the delicate balance of neurotransmitters in your brain, potentially impacting mood and energy levels.

However, as we know, some protein supplements are obtained from plant-based sources, such as soybeans. But the warning is against the preservatives and artificial sugar used in the supplements that are also used in them for marketing. There is no doubt that these additives are harmful for our health.

Given below are crucial guidelines from the ICMR:

  1. The guidelines state to limit the salt intake, reduce sugar consumption, and discard processed food from the diet.
  2. Take the appropriate amount of cereals: 3:1 or include 30g of pulses with 80g of meat per day.
  3. Before making your purchase, make sure to read food labels for nutritional information.
  4. If you’re taking protein powder long-term, it can ultimately lead to bone mineral loss, kidney failure, and many other diseases that can form in the body.
  5. Maintain a balanced diet that has no more than 45% calories from millet and cereals.
  6. For vegetarians, eating n-3 PUFA-rich foods like flax seeds and chia seeds is highly recommended.
  7. Sugar should not be more than 5% of total energy intake.

Is Protein Consumption Enough for Building Muscle Mass?

While protein is essential for building and repairing tissues, it's not the only thing required when it comes to good health. Your body thrives on a balanced diet that includes minerals like iron, fibre, and a variety of other nutrients.

Think of protein as building blocks, but you also need the energy to put them together. That's where carbohydrates and fats come in. If you overload on protein without enough carbs and fats, your body can't use it efficiently for muscle building. It's like having a toolbox full of screws but no screwdriver.

In a nutshell, adequate carbohydrates and fats provide the energy necessary for your body to utilise protein for its many functions, including muscle growth. Additionally, physical activity like strength training is crucial. Without exercise, protein is less likely to be used for muscle building and might even lead to muscle loss.

What Are Different Sources of proteins?

Protein, the building block of muscle, can be found in a surprising variety of foods! These are plant-based and animal proteins. Animal sources of protein are fish, eggs, milk, and meat, which contain all twenty amino acids, including nine EAA. When these proteins are consumed, they form a new protein in the body that helps in maintaining your overall diet.

Also, for vegan diets, pulses such as green gram, black gram, cowpeas, kidney beans, and horse gram are also rich sources of proteins. In fact, dry fruits such as pistachios, cashews, hazelnuts, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, and flax seeds are also considered the best ways to provide a great amount of energy and protein to your body. These seeds are also good for heart functioning.

According to a study, having excessive protein supplements might not be the magic bullet you think it is. Studies indicate that while protein is crucial for muscle growth, exceeding the recommended daily intake (around 1.6 grams per kilogram of body weight) offers minimal benefits for healthy adults undergoing resistance training. Also, protein intake can be improved when pulses are eaten in the right combination with cereals, meat, eggs or milk. Pulses are known for their low-fat and high-fibre foods and are also a great source of vitamins, irons, and potassium.

The Effect Of Using Excessive Protein Supplements

Consuming protein in high amounts can put excess strain on kidneys, which will stop filtering the waste product from the body, including those by-products of protein metabolism such as ammonia and urea. It ultimately increases the workload, which can lead to kidney failure or dysfunction.
When your body breaks down protein, it creates a waste product called urea. Your kidneys are the ultimate tidying crew, filtering urea out and sending it packing in your urine. But this flushing process uses extra water.

So, if you're using excessive protein powders but avoiding fluids, dehydration can become a real problem. That can also lower your energy levels, slow down muscle recovery, and generally put a damper on your health and athletic performance.

In fact, some protein powders that consist of casein or whey may lead to digestive disorders such as gastritis, diarrhoea, or constipation. This also shows that there may be lactose intolerance or the presence of additives such as artificial sweeteners and flavours.

Also, relying only on protein powder for protein intake can lead to nutrient imbalances. Thus, it is advised to maintain a whole source of protein by including things such as fish, eggs, nuts, lean meats, seeds, and dairy products that also provide essential vitamins and minerals.

Hemp Protein Powder - The Balanced Approach for Health Wellness

We understand the importance of including crucial protein in our daily diet to maintain overall well-being. So, we at Noigra offer hemp based protein powder which is a complete source of plant protein. Obtained by cold-pressing hemp seeds, it comes with a well-balanced vegan protein, essential amino acids, high dietary fibre, and minerals.

Our hemp protein powder is one of the best ways to add protein to your diet, especially for those who are lactose intolerant and face digestive disorders. It also contains natural ingredients like moringa, green tea, and ashwagandha to give a holistic nutritional boost. The best thing is that our products do not contain any sugar, cholesterol, and Trans Fat. These protein powders are perfect for pre and post-workout catering to your fitness and lifestyle needs.

Key Benefits of Noigra’s Hemp Protein Powder:

Lean Source of Protein

Hemp powder is considered a lean source of plant-based protein. If you want to lower your meat intake, you can try incorporating our hemp protein powder into your diet. Not only does it boost metabolism, but it also benefits digestion. Note that hemp protein powder does not contain any cholesterol or saturated fats.

Rich in Amino Acids

To function properly, your body requires 22 amino acids. These amino acids are utilised by the brain to form protein. Your body takes amino acids from the food you intake, like meat, eggs, cereals, milk, and many more. However, our hemp protein powder contains all the amino acids including BCAAs that are required to build muscles, control the nervous system, and regulate brain functionality.

Vitamins and Minerals

This is another health benefit of our hemp protein. It comes with important vitamins and minerals that your body needs. In fact, hemp proteins are also a good source of magnesium and iron that help to keep your body parts functioning properly and prevent any diseases.

Presence of Edestin

Edestin is a unique plant protein which is known for its similarity to the proteins found in our body. It contains all nine essential amino acids your body needs for proper function and is also rich in iron, fibre, and other minerals. The presence of edestin in our hemp protein makes it nutritious and useful for everyone who consumes it.

High Protein & Fibre

Our hemp protein offers a balanced mix of fibre and protein that helps with enhanced digestion and muscle repair.

So, if you want a clean and healthy option for your health and wellness, get your hands on hemp protein powder.

Note: However, before starting any new supplement, consulting a healthcare professional is always recommended. They can assess your needs and ensure which protein powder is the right choice for you.

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